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Call 9-1-1 if you experience any kind of emergency, immediate harm, or threat of harm.

Sexual Assault: What to do if this happens to you

  1. Get to a safe place and call 9-1-1.
  2. 不要洗澡, 冲洗, wash your hands or face, 喝任何液体, 烟, eat or brush your teeth (including mouthwash and flossing) if you have been assaulted or raped.
  3. Go to a hospital for medical care. You will be given a physical exam and options for the prevention of pregnancy, STIs and HIV/AIDS. You have the option of a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam without reporting to the police.
  4. Medical professionals are required to notify the police 当ever they treat a victim/survivor but the decision to make a formal police report is still yours.
  5. Contact friends, family or resources listed on this website for help and support.
  6. If you decide not to go to the police immediately, write down all the details of the assault (who, 什么, 当, 在哪里, why and how) and keep them in case you wish to report the assault later.
  7. Seek support through on- and off-campus resources.





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