热博体育官网参加了俄亥俄州立大学提供的空军和陆军后备军官训练队项目. 这些项目为合格的学生提供了竞争各种奖学金的机会,以及护士的职业机会. 对美国陆军军官委员会感兴趣的合格学生可以通过俄亥俄州立大学和美国陆军之间的合同协议报名参加陆军后备军官训练班.

Air Force ROTC

入学的前两年(大一/大二)是通用军事课程(GMC)。, which includes coursework on officership, communication, aerospace doctrine, and history of military aviation. 非奖学金学生在前两年没有服兵役的义务. 最后两年(初级/高级)是专业军官课程(POC),涉及领导能力, management, supervision, communication skills, and national defense policy. 空军后备军官训练队学员每周还要参加两个小时的领导能力实验室训练,并参加两个小时的体能训练. 学员必须在POC注册两个学年才有资格获得委任.

Financial Benefit

护理专业的学生可以获得两年、三年和四年的奖学金. 四年奖学金在高中最后一年申请. 两年和三年的奖学金提供给大学里合格的男女学生, regardless of major (in-College Scholarship Program, Foreign Language EXPRESS Scholarship, and EXPRESS Scholarship). 奖学金提供的好处可能包括全额支付学费, a book stipend, and a monthly tax-free allowance.

These scholarships provide:

  • 100% tuition and mandatory fees
  • $1,200 for textbooks per year
  • One time $650 bonus
  • 每月300-500美元的免税津贴,用于支付生活费
  • NCLEX fee ($200)
  • $650 for required nurse uniforms, 上师诊所所需的临床用品和设备.

欲了解更多信息,请联系AFROTC办公室在俄亥俄州立大学614-292-5441,分机. 9508 or visit www.afrotc.com.


陆军后备军官训练队是一个领导力和军事技能训练的项目,有机会在现役军队中担任军官, Army Reserves, or Army National Guard following graduation. 俄亥俄州立大学提供课程和活动.

陆军后备军官训练队在大一和大二的每学期都有一门课程和领导力实验室,涵盖基本军事技能等介绍性主题, leadership, customs and traditions, military history, and map reading. 大三和大四的高级课程包括陆地导航技术, unit tactics, justice, leadership theory, and officer preparation and development. A weekly leadership lab involves military skills training, marksmanship, rappelling, and leadership development. Introductory level courses require no military obligation. 一旦学生接受奖学金或进入高级课程, 他们承诺在毕业后担任现役军官或预备役军官.

Financial Benefit

高中生有资格获得三年或四年的奖学金. 大学生可以申请两年或三年的奖学金,包括学费, most books and fees, plus a monthly stipend.

These scholarships provide:

  • Full Tuition
  • All Mandatory Fees Paid in Full
  • Book Stipend is $1200 per Year
  • Monthly nontaxable Stipend: $300 for Freshman, $350 for Sophomores, $450 for Juniors, and $500 for Seniors
  • 所需的学生护士制服和临床用品全部支付
  • 护士医疗事故保险(提供临床轮转期间的保险)
  • Littman Stethoscope Valued at $250
  • NCLEX Test Fees ($200)
  • NCLEX Review Course (1) Valued Up to $500

What Happens After Graduation?

  • 所有新委任的陆军护士团军官都要参加专门的军官领导基础课程(BOLC)。, which is a nine week school in San Antonio, Texas. 在那里你将学习如何成为一名军官的基本知识. 有一个有限的(3-4天)野外训练演习,在那里你有机会第一次看到陆军野战医院的样子. 这个练习是热博体育官网如何在野外环境中提供医疗护理的亲身体验. By attending AROTC, 你将获得相当多的知识和经验,大多数直属军官没有得到, 在BOLC期间,你们的领导人将会注意到这一经历.
  • 临床护士过渡项目(CNTP)为期12个月,新任命的少尉在完成基本军官领导课程(BOLC)后,在12个陆军医疗中心之一进行“定向培训”。. 这个项目是为没有六个月急症护理经验的新毕业生准备的. 它包括三个阶段:指导、指导和临床沉浸. All of the phases include critical thinking, communication, 以及部署技能,以帮助陆军护士应对他们在国内外可能面临的复杂临床挑战.

What is the Service Obligation?

接受AROTC护理奖学金需要签署一份总共8年的合同. In exchange for two, three, or four years of college tuition and a monthly stipend, 毕业护士同意服现役至少四年, or the Army Reserves or Army National Guard for six years. 在“义务”阶段之后,你可以选择继续服现役或退出现役. 如果您选择离职,您的剩余服务义务可以通过以下方式履行:

Army Reserves or National Guard

  • Monthly drills
  • Two weeks annual training

Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)

  • No monthly drills
  • Potential to participate in annual training
  • Available in case of national emergency

For more information, 联系俄亥俄州大学陆军后备军官训练队办公室,电话:614-292-6075或访问www.ohio-state.edu/arotc.

The ROTC Liaison at Mount Carmel College of Nursing is:
Ken Sigler, EdD
Director, Enrollment Management

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