Dr. 安Schiele, MCCN President and Dean Emeritus, 是自然的力量吗, 一个了不起的领导者, a once-in-a-lifetime advocate for nursing education. Her dedication and service to MCCN – including 48 years as its president - is unmatched and her legacy will live on for generations. She was proud of Mount Carmel students and took a personal, lasting interest in their success. As the Chair of the Our Legacy of Learning Campaign, even years after her retirement, Ann continued to work in support of exceptional nursing education at Mount Carmel. She was extraordinary in so many ways. This video tribute to Ann was shared with attendees at the 2022 Scholarship Awards and Donor Recognition Dinner. Watch to learn more about Ann’s remarkable life and legacy.



of graduates employed within 12 months (2021 grads)


years of educating nurses


scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023