As part of its commitment to promoting a safe and healthy campus environment for the 热博体育官网 community and cultivating a culture that fosters respect for the dignity and rights of all its members, MCCN does not tolerate hazing activities by any members of the College community.



如俄亥俄州修订法典第2903条所述.31, 2021年修订为“科林法”, “hazing” means doing any act or coercing another, 包括受害者, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization or any act to continue or reinstate membership in or affiliation with any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person, including coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse, 如第3719条所定义.俄亥俄州修订法典第011条.

This definition includes, but is not limited to:

  • Actions that violate Federal, State, or Local criminal law.
  • 吃任何食物, 液体, 含酒精的液体, drug or other substance which subjects the student to a risk of emotional or physical harm.
  • 忍受身体上的残酷, 包括鞭打, 打, 品牌, 健美操或暴露在自然环境中.
  • 忍受精神上的残酷, including actively adversely affecting the mental health or dignity of the individual, 睡眠不足, exclusion from social contact or conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment.
  • 忍受性的残忍.
  • Endure any other 活动 that creates a reasonable likelihood of bodily injury to the student.

It shall not be a defense to a charge of hazing that the student consented to the conduct in question.


热博体育官网 fosters a culture where reporting is encouraged by all members of the College community. Retaliation for reporting is prohibited following the College’s policy on Retaliation as found in the 目录手册学生行为准则. Individuals may report hazing by contacting any of the following:


卡梅尔山安全 & 安全

  • 614-896-1489(哥伦布)
  • 740-687-8124(兰开斯特)


Human Resources – Amanda McCullouch, Chief Human Resources Officer- College of Nursing

在紧急情况下, please contact 卡梅尔山安全 and 安全 at 614-234-2341 or Fairfield Medical Center Police at 740-687-8124


Key indicators: the 活动 is degrading and/or demeaning, 有受伤的危险或安全问题, 有酒精或毒品, 隐晦的语言是用来描述事件的, 活动, 或交互, active members are unwilling to participate in the same 活动 with new members, active and new members are unwilling to discuss the 活动 with advisers, 教师, 家庭成员, 总部或准会员, members justifying actions as “tradition” in an attempt to convince others that it is an acceptable event, 行为上的改变,比如睡过头, 持续的疲惫或无法集中注意力, 平均绩点的下降.


在得知潜在的欺侮行为后, any employee with a duty to report violations of this policy who received a complaint of hazing or who observes or learns of conduct that is reasonably believed to be in violation of this policy is required to report the alleged conduct to the Director of Compliance and Safety.

Employees with a duty to report violations of this policy include all 教师 (including clinical 教师 and adjuncts), 工作人员, and administrators within 热博体育官网.

In addition to the duty to report hazing to Director of Compliance and Safety as identified in the prior paragraph, in some circumstances there is also a duty to report allegations of criminal conduct to law enforcement.


The College will publish periodic public reports of all violations of its anti-hazing policy in compliance with the state of Ohio’s Collin’s Law. 这些报告将在本网站公开.

January 2023: No reports or violations of the College’s Hazing Policies.

August 2023: No reports of violations of the College's Hazing Policies.

January 2024: No reports or violations of the College's Hazing Policies.


All 热博体育官网 students colleagues are required to participate in annual 教育al training on hazing awareness, 预防, 干预, 以及我们政策的要素. This training is housed on the Mount Carmel Health System internal training platform for colleagues and the College’s online learning platform for students. For access to the training, please contact the Director of Compliance and Safety.


了解更多热博体育官网防止欺侮的知识, 识别欺侮行为, and activities you can do with your organization, 请查看下面的资源.


热博体育官网mcn欺侮训练的问题, 教育, 预防, 和报告, 请联系:






scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023

