热博体育官网的家庭护士执业者(FNP)课程是为准备攻读研究生教育的注册护士设计的,这将导致初级保健的重点, advanced practice nursing role. 家庭执业护士为从婴儿到成年的个人提供全面的初级保健.

Apply for Admission

97% First Time Pass Rate
Overall Pass Rate

Career Information and Technical Skills

FNPs 是否准备好为患有急性疾病(如支气管炎或轻微感染)和慢性疾病(如糖尿病)的患者提供护理, high blood pressure and obesity. Preventative health services, patient education, 提供疾病管理和其他保健措施以治愈身体, 家庭和社区背景下的思想和精神. 该计划以在线形式提供,并安排浸入式学习.

Criteria for Admission

被考虑进入卡梅尔山的任何研究生课程, the following is required:

  • Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing from an accredited program; accreditation by either the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (formally NLNAC) or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). NP项目也考虑硕士和博士学位
  • Cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.护理学士学位课程的0级标准
  • 本科统计学和研究类课程成绩均达C或以上. A grade of "C-" will not be accepted
  • 1年以上临床经验
  • Candidate video / Interview

Application Materials

  • Completed Application
  • Current resume or curriculum vitae
  • 一份全面的、写得好的目标陈述是成功的研究生申请的重要组成部分. 目标陈述文章是作为信息来源和作为你的写作能力的样本. 你应该专注于你的职业目标,以及你如何通过研究生学习来实现这些目标. 你的目标陈述应该大约两页,双倍行距(大约400字).
    • The goal statement should include:
    • 专业和学术背景、技能和成就
    • Describe your academic and career goals
    • 你是如何决定在这个专业领域读研究生的?
    • 你所具备的素质将使你在你所申请的专业领域成为一名优秀的从业者
  • 当前,无限制的俄亥俄州注册护士执照或俄亥俄州注册护士(RN)执照资格
  • 两封推荐信(来自个人,如:工作主管), professional colleagues, 持有硕士以上学位的前教员). Download Graduate Recommendation Form
  • Official TOEFL scores for students for whom English is not the native language; minimum required TOEFL score of 550 (paper based}, 213 (computer based) or 79-80 (Internet based); TOEFL scores are valid two years from the test date. To learn more about the TOEFL, visit www.ets.org/toefl.
  • 以前所有学院/大学的正式成绩单

Application Deadlines

  • Fall Cohort All Tracks: August 1
  • Spring Cohort All Tracks: November 30

See application for details.

Program Completion

  • 五个学期,48学时/ 500临床学时,18个月完成


View Sample Curriculum of Study here.

Online Program Eligibility

  • 热博体育官网致力于遵守所有州对其远程学习计划的规定. 每个远程学习项目都有不同的资格规定. 看看你所在的州是否有这个项目 check your eligibility 或在申请前联系当地的护理委员会.



  • Using the learning management system
  • Using email with attachments
  • 以常用的文字处理程序格式创建和提交文件
  • Downloading and installing software
  • Using spreadsheet programs
  • Using presentation and graphics programs
  • Using apps in digital devices
  • Using web conferencing tools and software
  • 使用在线图书馆和数据库查找和收集适当的信息
  • 使用计算机网络来定位和存储文件或数据
  • 为特定的学术目的使用在线搜索工具, including the ability to use search criteria, keywords, and filters
  • Properly citing information sources
  • 准备研究成果的报告

Technology Requirements

For More Information Contact

我们的热博体育官网办公室可以联系614-234-4CON或在 admissions@wxyxsteel.com.

Why Choose Us


years of educating nurses




student-to-faculty ratio